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Northern Rock Event Photographs

Links to Northern Rock files
Northern Rock Shareholder Action Group
Northern Rock Action Group - Some Comments
Northern Rock Event Photographs
Northern Rock - past events
Northern Rock shareholder meeting
Judicial Review and Demonstrations
Appeal on Judicial Review
Northern Rock EGM Voting

The following two photographs were taken at the press conference held on the 19th March 2008:

General view which shows shareholders Brian Peart, Mary Warner and Dennis Grainger:

Roger Lawson, Chairman of the Action Group, and David Greene of lawyers Edwin Coe LLP:

Dennis Grainger has been promoting the Shareholders Action Group with stalls in Newcastle, Sunderland and other towns in the North East, assisted by Celia Elliott, Doreen & Dennis Shannon. Photographs taken at these events are:

Dennis Grainger explaining our case.

Dennis Grainger with (l to r) , Doreen Shannon, Celia Elliott and Dennis Shannon.

In July 2008 we held meetings for shareholders in Newcastle and London. The following photo shows Roger Lawson speaking to the London Meeting:

This photo shows Jon Wood of SRM Global speaking at the Newcastle Meeting:

This photo shows Roger Lawson speaking at the Newcastle Meeting with Dennis Grainger who organised the meeting on the right hand side:

The following photograph shows a number of the claimants and some of the committee members at a meeting jn January 2009: Back row from left to right: Dermot Driscoll, Adrian Flook, David Greene, un-named, Roger Lawson; Front row: Stanley Schweizer, Doreen Shannon, Dennis Shannon, Dennis Grainger, Mary Warner, Ian Stroud.

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