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Chris Hulme is UKSA's new Chairman

UKSA is pleased to announce that Chris Hulme has become its new chairman. At the age of 38, Chris is half the age at which private investors are usually portrayed by the media, for whom this is a wake-up call to the new reality.

Chris says: "I have enjoyed a great learning experience from my activities within UKSA, especially my involvement in campaigning on behalf of the small shareholder.

UKSA will continue to step into the breach on behalf of all small shareholders, especially in the face of immediate threats from the Financial Reporting Council to do away with printed annual reports and the EU's proposed abolition of execution-only dealing, to which I and my colleagues are completely opposed.

Share ownership should be an enjoyable and rewarding experience whatever one's goals. It is an enjoyment that membership of UKSA can enhance and I am confident that our numbers will swell as more people realise the need to save for their own and their families' futures. This needs to be supported by an understanding government, but politicians' ignorance of such matters is a great handicap, which must be addressed."

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