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New Directors Appointed For UKSA

UKSA’s directors, meeting on 7.5.11, made three new director appointments. Rosita Sherrard and Gerald Roberts have joined the board with immediate effect. Harry Braund will join it on 16.7.11, which is the date of the next board meeting. These appointments, take the board to eight members, two short of the maximum.

All three new directors are long-standing active investors. Rosita is a retired BBC researcher. Gerald spent many years as a geological and petroleum engineer but more recently has established and run a variety of businesses. Harry, as already reported in UKSA’s magazine, The Private Investor, following his appointment as UKSA’s second representative to Euroshareholders, was a motor engineer, mostly abroad.

Chris Hulme, UKSA’s chairman, says, “I’m delighted we’ve been able to make these appointments, which augur well for the future of UKSA. There is a great need for a vigorous, representative body of private investors able to press for greater accountability of companies to their owners and changes to regulation and legislation as called for in UKSA’s manifesto. UKSA has a 20 year track record of working on behalf of the common interests of all private investors and I’m determined that this will continue and grow stronger, which Rosita, Gerald and Harry will help us to do.”

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