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'The Private Investor' archive

This page contains links to an archive of editions of 'The Private Investor' bimonthly magazine published between September 2013 and January 2022. The magazine has been replaced by a monthly Newsletter.


The Private Investor 215 - January 2022

This edition includes:

  • Monitoring investments with Excel
  • A lesson in consumer protection: the ‘Stronger Nudge’
  • An update on the STAR Share Screens
  • Simplification of inheritance and capital gains taxes – the Treasury responds
  • NFT - non-fungible token - is Collins Dictionary's word of the year
  • Valuation of Northern Rock shares
  • Northern Rock – only a story – or not?
  • Looking ahead: 2022 and beyond
  • Book review of “Built on a Lie” by Owen Walker
  • An update on the Star Share Screens

The Private Investor 214 - October 2021

This edition includes:

  • Simple tests to avoid disasters
  • The dangers of private equity
  • Report on Sharetalk in the south-west
  • A word of thanks to Peter Wilson
  • How I became a quantitative investor
  • Monitoring investments with Excel
  • The good, the bad and the ugly of dual class shares
  • The law and Northern Rock – Everyman‘s guide




The Private Investor 213 - August 2021

This edition includes:

  • Change at the helm of UKSA
  • The onward march of private equity
  • Simple tests to avoid disasters: Due diligence
  • What would restore your trust in audit and corporate governance?
  • The HonestMoneyNow website
  • Protecting an investment portfolio against inflation
  • Northern Rock – a summary
  • Lost in SPACs
  • Capital gains tax simplification: part two
  • Transitioning from Hargreaves Lansdown to Interactive Investor
  • Obituary

The Private Investor 212 - June 2021

This edition includes:

  • Give shares to charity instead of money
  • UKSA & ShareSoc proposal for Capital Gains simplification
  • Dividend update
  • Avoiding scams
  • Helping people into investing – a focus on the problems of the young
  • A challenge to the active management community
  • The FCA’s consultation on “A new consumer duty”
  • A reminder why our Northern Rock Campaign continues to claim back shareholder rights
  • Review of UKSA and Signet Northern Investors Group meeting
  • Capital gains tax simplification Second report
  • Update to a cautionary tale


The Private Investor 211 - April 2021

This edition includes:

  • The impact of capital gains tax on investment decisions
  • The Greensill saga - a purchasing manager’s perspective
  • A reminder why our Northern Rock Campaign continues to claim back shareholder rights
  • Achieving egalitarian capitalism through revolution or evolution?
  • Lifetime ISAs – free money from the Government
  • So what was all the fuss about the US 10-year Treasury Bond yield?
  • In case you missed it

The Private Investor 210 - February 2021

This edition includes:

  • When accounting standards are correct in theory but dangerous in practice
  • Placings and pre-emption: a child’s guide
  • A placing story: Bacanora Lithium
  • Climate investment risk: floods and droughts
  • Capital gains tax simplification: the self-invested savings account
  • The future of corporate reporting
  • Letter to the Editor
  • Update on Northern Rock


The Private Investor 209 - December 2020

UKSA's response to the FCA Call for Input

Robo-advice, FRC, Unilever, EU trade deal


How Private Equity executives pay less tax

Personal finance 101 advice for children and friends

Share analysis blogs for us all

Capital gains tax simplification

Fossil fuels: invest or engage




The Private Investor 208 - October 2020

Long-term investment returns – are we all being too complacent?

Financial promotions – a case study in how not to delegate

Update on the STAR Share Screening methods

News from the South-West – Victoria plc and ThinkSmart

Changing auditors’ responsibility for detecting fraud

Think tanks: the quest for truth

Savers Take Control update: making sure people understand the truth about expenses

Update on London and South East

Extreme weather climate investment risk

The Private Investor 207 - August 2020

The Fear Factor might damage our investments

Savers Take Control update

Latest twist in the Unilever saga

Michelmersh Brick Holdings plc

Introducing Anastasia Ouzouni

Another cautionary tale

How did the investment industry get so rich?

Ethical investing and the plastics pollution plague

The Wirecard debacle

The hierarchy of lifetime financial needs

The Private Investor 206 - June 2020

Stock prices relative to dividend changes

Build back better

Introducing Charles Henderson

Fund charges and discounts – a fine dogs’ dinner

Inheritance – families at war

Fundraisings, share placings and a new service: Primary Bid

The price of conscience: analysing ethical performance

Improving capitalism for the public good

Savers and investors helping each other for free

Developing the UKSA experience

News from the South-West and Midlands

The 2020 AGM season

When Genius failed – the rise and fall of Long Term Capital Management

Why on earth are we still in lockdown?

The Private Investor 205 - April 2020

UKSA's Hidden Leverage project

Audit reforms – evaporating in front of our eyes?

Covid-19 and the Law of Unintended Consequences

Personal investments at a time of market correction

UKSA's Strategic Overview 2020-2023

Covid-19 – Why corporate ethics matter

Ethical investing and performance: the price of conscience

Reflections on stewardship and the economic shock caused by Coronavirus

Financing the future

Associate membership ready to launch

The Private Investor 204 - February 2020

Time to engage the voice of the individual in a national debate

Calling all UKSA members who hold shares in Sirius Minerals

Board changes at UKSA – your opportunity to make a difference

Meeting with Sir Ewan Brown

Ethical or sustainable investment funds engagement

Inheritance tax – More ideas!

Changing the world of savings and investment

Introducing Anthony Fitzsimmons and Colm Fagan

Corporate culture and the share price

The Private Investor 203 - December 2019

Audit and accounting car crashes
Structured products - an exposé
Deferred shares report and voting trends survey
A new approach to shareholder interest organisations
Chair of UKSA London & SE Region builds bridges with Chinese delegation
Ethical Investing: portfolio tilting and corporate engagement
Woodford and Hargreaves Lansdown: locked-in syndrome
Alliance Trust Savings – a follow-up report
Letter to the editor
Book review

The Private Investor 202 - October 2019

Published accounts are consistent with fiction writing
Responsible investing – 10 years on
Pension freedom
Ethical investing approaches: screening and best-in-class
Policy round-up – 10
Contracts for difference – a cautionary personal tale of shorting shares
Stop-losses, fact or fantasy?
Smaller UK-focused markets

The Private Investor 201 - August 2019

Research is the key to successful investing
Should investors care about what the regulators are up to?
CMA investigation into the Investment Consultancy Market
Inheritance tax simplification – second report
A short history of ethical investing
The future of audit – More light reading
Law Commission Intermediated Securities project
Investment platforms: your views

The Private Investor 200 - June 2019

Accounting for risk
Rights issues/open offers
Answering the call for shareholder rights
Introducing Sustainable “ESG” Investing
FRC roundtable discussion on the Future of Corporate Reporting
PwC Panel Session on Environmental Reporting
A dip into the Spanish market

The Private Investor 199 - April 2019

A new era for UKSA
Prudence – a false dawn
Unstoppable glacier of Government’s concerted actions?
Savers Take Control: a report from the UKSA AGM
IFRS Act 2
RBS – signalling the demise of shareholder primacy?
Introducing ethical investing
MIFID II: focusing on the number of analysts is only half the story
The Yield Curve - what is it and why is inversion seen as important?

The Private Investor 198 - February 2019

Brexit and the City
The problem with auditing – are procedures flawed or is it incompetence?
Eye's Right – A sideways Look
Get the minutes!
Who guards the guards? – the governance behind International Financial Reporting Standards
Sue Milton, UKSA's new director
Inheritance Tax Simplification – the first report
Membership – the need to grow and flourish
Making auditors completely independent

The Private Investor 197 - December 2018

A new chairman and a new director for UKSA 
Auditing - a piece of cake!
To split or not to split – should auditors sell nonaudit services?
Persimmon: end in sight after six years of ‘I told you so’
Sale of Alliance Trust Savings 
Update on UKSA/ShareSoc

The Private Investor 196 - October 2018

Auditors in the spotlight
UKSA visit to PWC
FRC papers
Accountancy has lost its way
Audit Reporting - time to take control
Letters to the Editor

The Private Investor 195 - August 2018

Lack of clarity and imprudence – factors to consider
Audit – is it fit for purpose?
About the Transparency Task Force
Current audit practice is valueless
London & South-East AGM
The investment platforms market – pay attention class!
Savers Take Control – an update
Letters to the Editor

The Private Investor 194 - June 2018

Perils of a craft monopoly
The scandal behind Beaufort Securities
Where next for the corporate governance debate
FCA's Financial Lives Survey 2017
Template audits - the gravy train rolls on
London's investor scene and financial education

The Private Investor 193 - March 2018

The Colossus Project
Northern Rock update
Stewardship at Persimmon
Carillion and IFRS
Why is changing things so hard?
Protecting new pensioners
Aviva preference shares campaign
Savers Take Control – project themes

The Private Investor 192 - January 2018

The end of share ownership?
Thinking long term
Lifting the Lid on the FRC
How to assess risk
RBS Shareholder Committee update
Investing in newly listed companies
Persimmon LTIP hits the media
AIM shares competition
Share ownership
The Private Investor 191 - November 2017

Editorial – Actionaria Paris
London South East is also a website
Investment trusts
Making tomorrow a better place
Croydon and Purley Group
Financial Reporting Council
Brexit and UK GAAP
Letters to the Editor
How unbiased are IFAs?
UKSA in the regions
The Private Investor 190 - September 2017

Changes at The Private Investor
The Strategic Report
Executive Pay
Bill and Kateřina Johnston
What do auditors do all day?
Investment trust performance
The People’s Trust
The Private Investor 189 - July 2017

FCA Asset Management Market Study
To Improve Governance, First Restore Ownership
Brexit Bargain Hunting
British Cars Post Brexit
Young and Co’s Brewery
An End to Second Rate Annual Reports
The Private Investor 188 - May 2017

The Rise of Financial Education
The Secret of Gambling
Refocusing Corporate Reporting
UKSA Donation Appeal
Transparency Task Force
ShareSoc Survey Report
The People’s Trust
The Private Investor 187 - March 2017

UKSA/ShareSoc – we need your views
FCA’s Investment Market Study – UKSA’s Definitive Analysis
Peter Parry on Theresa May’s initiative
Roy Colbran’s Investment Trust Analysis – Part 3
The Private Investor 186 - January 2017

UKSA’s Bank of Scotland initiative
French companies – a snapshot
Great new competition – See inside
Investment trusts Part II.
Bank Capital
The Private Investor 185 - November 2016

Lobbying - an appeal
Colonialism, Pizzas and Wells Fargo
Investment Trusts - Part I
No Depreciation without Representation
Auditors’ Responsibilities
FRC Annual Open Meeting
FRC Conference
UKSA Branches
The Private Investor 184 - September 2016

- My New Addiction
- Membership Survey
- AIM Company Reports
- The Bankia Scandal
- Apple and Other Fruits
- Reporting on Corporate Culture
- Management and Shareholder Value
- Premier Foods
- October Events
- UKSA Branches
The Private Investor 183 - July 2016

- ShareAction In Berlin
- Financial Services Providers – can we talk to them?
- Share Buybacks- are they ever justified?
- Sources of investment information – who do you believe?
- Annual Reports – an opportunity lost?
- Brexit and the Car Industry
The Private Investor 182 - May 2016

- Membership Survey
- AIM Companies Project
- Investment Trust Buy Backs – Yea or Nay – two opposing views
- Directors’ Pay – three stunning articles
- Visit to BP
- Next UKSA Events
The Private Investor 181 - March 2016

- Death of Voting – or is it?
- Battle for Pooled Nominee Accounts
- Aim Company Directors
- EU Audit Directive
- Small Cap Investment
- Investor Rights for ISAs
The Private Investor 180 - January 2016

- Board Changes and the AGM
- AIM Companies examined
- Corporate Governance Part II
- Christmas at Didmarton
- Visit to Airbus UK
- The Challenge of Investing
- Regional Information
The Private Investor 179 - November 2015

- The London Investor Show – Report
- Audit Quality Forum
- Corporate Governance
- Retail Sector – better avoided?
- Non-executive directors
The Private Investor 178 - September 2015

- Is your company viable?
- Why I became an UKSA member
- Dividend Tax
- Dutch Investors
- Audit Reports - an information gold mine
- Business Models
The Private Investor 177 - July 2015The Private Investor 176 - May 2015
The Private Investor 175 - March 2015The Private Investor 174 - January 2015
The Private Investor 173 - November 2014The Private Investor 172 - September 2014
The Private Investor 171 - July 2014The Private Investor 170 - May 2014
The Private Investor 169 - March_2014The Private Investor 168 - January 2014
The Private Investor 167 - November 2013The Private Investor 166 - September 2013

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