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UKSA attacks bankers pay on the BBC

21st April 2012
Bankers Pay

The subject of bankers’ pay has been much in the news recently. As most if not all UKSA members will share much of the public outrage at the high amounts paid, sometimes seemingly unrelated to company performance, it is pleasing to report that our voice has been heard.
Following an approach from Thomson Reuters to Chris Hulme, our chairman, Reuters published a piece on the internet (Friday, April 13) which was picked up and used by other media. In all, we became aware of four online appearances of comments attributed to UKSA in addition to the original Reuters item, namely the Telegraph, Scotsman, Daily Mail and Bob’s Guide (a BT publication), but interviews were also given to the Glasgow Herald and Yorkshire Post which may have appeared in the print versions.
The key quotation which appeared to grab reporters’ attention was this. “It has become a truism that senior bank pay is grossly excessive and some would say immoral.”

Last Thursday, following a stock exchange report that Barclays’ chief executive, Bob Diamond, was to have part of his remuneration made dependent on a specific target, UKSA was contacted by the BBC to provide a speaker for the following day’s Today programme on Radio 4. This is the second time UKSA has received a definite invitation to appear on this BBC flagship program. A sign of UKSA’s growing reputation. Eric Chalker UKSA’s Policy Co-ordinator took up the invitation and also appeared on Radio 5 Live.
The following links may still be live for a few days. at 26 minutes into the programme, and at 16 minutes into the programme.

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