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UKSA's Annual General Meeting will be held online on Sunday 14 June 2020 at 2.30pm. If you are a member but have not yet received an invitation, please contact the office via email -

It is planned to hold a social gathering for members later in the year.

UKSA introduces Associate Membership

UKSA is introducing a new category of membership. Associate Membership is free. It’s a great way to get to know UKSA without having to make any financial commitment.

Applying for Associate Membership is easy. All you need to do is enter your name and e-mail address on the joining page here. Pass on the news to your friends and colleagues.

To join, click here.

A comparison table of benefits is shown below.


Notice of AGM postponement

Members will understand that our AGM planned for May 11 must be postponed.

it will be re-arranged once the Covid-19 situation clarifies. Meanwhile the board approved the 2019 accounts yesterday and these will be made available as soon as possible.

The UKSA Board is wishing to continue ‘business as usual’ as much as practical, to remain a conduit for member discussion and to wish all a safe and healthy journey through this difficult period. 

Colin Colvin


UPDATE for shareholders from Dennis Grainger on the Northern Rock Small Shareholder Compensation Fight

Hello all.

Following the very disappointing rejection of our claim by PM Mrs May and the Treasury over a year ago we have had a busy time watching events and extending our research, culminating in our letter to the Prime Minister and copied to the Chancellor on 28th February 2020.

A copy of this letter can be found here.

We are quite hopeful that this approach will convince the new administration under Boris to assist our fight for fairness.

Problems of the nominee system

In response to a reader’s question, the Financial Times recently carried a detailed explanation by UKSA director Peter Parry of the problems posed by the pooled nominee system through which most individual shareholdings in the UK are held.

Further details can be found here.

Calling all UKSA members who hold shares in Sirius Minerals

As members who bought shares in Sirius Minerals will know, in early January the Company received a takeover offer of 5.5p a share from Anglo American, valuing Sirius at almost £386m. However, many Sirius investors who originally paid more than 20p for their shares feel the offer is too low.

UKSA has set up a new campaign page here

Response to Law Commission

UKSA and ShareSoc have submitted a joint response to the law Commission’s call for evidence on intermediated securities.

This deals primarily with securities held by an intermediary or nominee on behalf of the beneficial shareholder. The full response, submitted on 5th November 2019, can be found here.

Renew your membership

Renewing your UKSA membership is quick and easy, ensuring uninterrupted access to all the advantages of membership.

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